Prilog proračun i proračunski korisnici 3/2015

Change of Initial Positions on 1 January 2015
Autor: Mr. sc. Nada DREMEL , dipl. oec., ovl. rač., ovl. rev. i porezni savjetnik
Key Changes in Budget Act
Autor: Mr. sc. Ivana JAKIR-BAJO, dipl. oec.
New Regulations in Public Procurement System
Autor: Nina ČULINA , dip. iur.
Public Procurement – Examples from Practice
Autor: Ante LOBOJA, dipl. iur.
Supervision of Work and By-Laws of Representative Bodies of Units of Local and Regional Self-Government
Autor: Željka TROPINA GODEC , dipl. iur.
What after Local Pre-Elections?
Autor: Katarina SERDAR, dipl. iur.
Statement on Fiscal Responsibility for 2014 for Budget Beneficiaries
Autori: Mr. sc. Ivana JAKIR-BAJO, dipl. oec.
Ana ZORIĆ , dipl. iur.
Work Experience and Years of Service of Civil Servants and Employees
Autor: Vesna ŠIKLIĆ ODAK, dipl. iur.