Pravo i porezi 1/2010

Web izdanje 8,99
Struktura i sadržaj ugovora o zajedničkom ulaganju
Autor: Dr. sc. Branko VUKMIR, dipl. iur.
Contesting of Debtor’s Legal Acts
Autor: Mr. sc. Andrija ERAKOVIĆ, dipl. iur.
Nemo Tenetur Principle in Taxation Procedural Law
Autor: Prof. dr. sc. Olivera LONČARIĆ-HORVAT
Foreign Companies in Croatian VAT System
Autor: Mr. sc. Bojan HUZANIĆ, dipl. iur.
Upotreba OIB-a i novih modela uplate na nalozima za plaćanje javnih davanja od 1. siječnja 2010.
Autor: Mr. sc. Mirjana MAHOVIĆ KOMLJENOVIĆ, dipl. oec.
Amalgamation of Subsidiaries with Limited Liability and Taxation
Autor: Mr. sc. Ivan ŽIC, dipl. oec
Will New Convention on International Carriage of Goods Entirely or Completely by Sea (Rotterdam Rules) Replace Existing International Conventions
Status of International Clerks and Other Employees of International Organizations in view of International law
Autor: Prof. dr. sc Davorin Lapaš
Business Judgement Rule in US Law and Possible Application in Republic of Croatia
Autori: Dr. sc. Hana HORAK, dipl. iur.
Mr. spec. Kosjenka DUMANČIĆ, dipl. iur.
Right to Compensation of Damages due to Violation of Market Competion Rules in EU (Private Enforecement)
Autor: Mr. sc. Mirta KAPURAL, dipl. iur.
EU Directive 883/2004 and Croatian Social Insurance
Autor: Mr. sc. Mihovil RISMONDO, dipl. iur.